Is It Clean?


The sign above the scrubbing sink for doctors, nurses and visitors to the Intensive Care Nursery was serious.  No germs allowed!  Dropped items remained on the floor, not to be touched.   Germ prevention from floor to preemies was obviously a high priority.  37 years later, that message has stuck with me.  Floors are not sanitary places

Most dirt enters your home through your front door.  Where have shoes traveled during the day?  Your driveway (what have those tires run over?), work and school (where have others’ shoes walked?), public restrooms (ew-need I say more?). 

What to do?  Have a good doormat, an outside one and an inside one.  Knock off as much dirt and grime as you can!  Remove shoes.  Socks are better than soles. 

But when dirt and germs arrive despite your best efforts, here’s a winning strategy.  Grab the Perago QUICKSteam Floor Steamer or the Perago Steam and Sweep!  Lightweight, easily maneuverable and steam is ready in 20 seconds.  The disposable SaniScrub pad glides across the floor picking up grime while super heated dry steam is knocking out 99.9% of germs!  No chemicals!  

Keep it green, save money and help maintain a healthy environment for your family.   Simple!

My little preemie?  She now has her own babies playing all day on the floor.  Perago Steam products:  peace of mind.



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